Yarn - 2 skeins of Patons Upcountry (100% wool, 78 yards) in deep steel blue. As a rule of thumb, I think that a good length for a scarf is roughly the height of the person who'll be wearing it. I used up both skeins with nothing left over, and it ended up being about 5' long (just a wee bit shorter than myself). As a general rule, I think that a good scarf length is roughly the height of the itended recipient (golden ration and all that), and Jon's mom is only a few inches taller than me, so it worked out ok.
Pattern - My own. Though, it's not exactly innovative or groundbreaking. It's a modified 2 x 2 rib with plain knit ribs alternating with twisted minicables. A left twist was made by knitting through the back of the second stitch, then knitting through the front of the first stitch, then pulling both of the needle together. A right twist (obviously enough) was made by knitting through the front of the second stitch, then through the back of the first stitch, and then pulling both off the needles together. So, I cast on 20 stitches and knit every row like this:
In other news, I've completed one Bayerische sock and started the second:

And, I didn't post about this earlier, but guess what came in the mail last week...

A fine catch, and a damn beautiful scarf! I'm sure my mom will absolutely adore it: you have impeccable taste as usual. Also, wherever did you find such a splendid chair to use as a backdrop: verily, only a tool of prodigous proportions would disgard such a fine piece of furniture.
Aye captain!
I adore it! What a lovely color, and I can't wait to wear it.
And I've really enjoyed reading the blog, as well. I'm almost inspired to do more knitting, maybe try something a little more challenging than a scarf, like socks.
I have to agree about the chair.
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