Anyway, those of you who are not at odds with the capitalist system may not realize how much these people can talk. This was a three-day meeting, with a full agenda. It takes them 15 minutes to basically state that they are anti-war in a fancy way (well, that's an exaggeration, but not much of one). Time limits mean nothing to them. We got up at 6:45 am to get there on time, stayed until 7:00pm, and then went out for drinks and more political ranting afterwards. I should also mention that I don't drink coffee and there were no other caffeinated beverages available. So, I turned to knitting to keep me awake and focused. Those that don't knit assume that we're not paying attention, but we know better. We know that the repetitive, unceasing motion keeps you from fidgeting, keeps you from boredom around hour 11, and has other good benefits. Such as my finished Shedir:

Unrelated, but like the dart board? My mom sent it to me in a totally unexpected Valentine's Day package. I hit the bullseye earlier today and refuse to let Jon remove it. I'm very proud of my successful darting.

Yarn - Blue Sky Alpacas Alpaca Silk (50% alpaca, 50% silk; 146 yards) in plum purple. This yarn is exquisite. Soft, and shiny, and it knits up into this amazing lightweight fabric that is remarkably fluid.
Needles - 34" size 3 addi turbos. So trusty.
Pattern - Shedir from the breast cancer special issue of Knitty. The only modification made was that I knit 3 repeats of the cable pattern before decreasing instead of 5. I did this in part because I was afraid 5 repeats would make it too long, as Eunny discussed here, and also because I was afraid I'd run out of yarn. It turned out to be just shy of a perfect length, but not short enough to warrant adding to the brim, and I only had a tiny amount of yarn left, so my estimation was about right.
Remember what I said about the socialist thing being long? Well, after finishing Shedir, I had time to make Jon half of the biggest sock ever.

I'm using the same upscaled dragon pattern as I did for these socks. I generally don't like knitting the same pattern twice in a row, but I (prudently) brought yarn for a second project with me to the socialist meeting in case I finished Shedir. I decided that at the last minute, though, so I just grabbed something I could knit on my size 3 addi circular so I wouldn't have to deal with finsing yarn and needles. So Jon's socks it was.
Melissa --
I recognize that foot -- and those statistics!
The scarf arrived yesterday -- what a lovely color, and so soft and warm! I wore it today, and it looked wonderful.
Thanks so much for knitting it for me. Now, for my next request ...
I'm a clean commie. And you shouldn't make fun of commies with big feet, you'll need those big feet to trample the running dogs of capitalist imperialism, come the revolution.
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