Sunday, February 25, 2007

Spring Break! Girls Gone....Lazy!

I'll get to SPRING BREAK in a second. First, guess who got their present.....

....Tamar the Other! She says they fit well and are much-appreciated. See her cat in the first picture? Sniffing her feet with that intensely inquisitive expression? That cat has a thing for feet.

See? She can't help herself. The first step is admitting you have a problem, Wuzzle.

Ok, back to SPRING BREAK!!!!! So what am I doing for SPRING BREAK, and why in god's name do I seem to keep hitting the caps lock? Well, dear reader, I am using the cap lock to denote my UNBRIDLED EXCITEMENT and doing ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING! I lied and told the professors I was doing research with that I was going to be out of town and that email was going to be spotty at best. Which, of course is patently untrue. But goddamit, I held focus groups and coded transcripts straight through Christmas break...which meant it was no break at all...which meant I'd been working non-stop for six months. So I thought a little deception was in order.

My real spring break plans are:
  1. sit on couch until couch-sores develop
  2. watch a lot of mindless TV
  3. eat a lot of ice cream
  4. knit until my hands turn into twisted, gnarled little claws
Man, this is gonna be sweet.

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