(click for bigger)
Yarn - EA Yarns Andes (100% wool, 165 yards) in color 19 (orange/blue). I wasn't sure how hat-friendly this yarn was at first, but it actually ended up being pretty soft and surprisingly not scratchy. And I still love the colors.
Needles - 16" el cheapo bamboo size 7 circulars and a set of 4 bamboo size 7 dpns for the crown decreases
Pattern - my own! A skeletal pseudo-pattern follows below:
- CO 90 sts and work in [p1, k1, p1] to end for 3 rounds
- round 4: work all knit stitches as LEFT TWIST
- round 5: work all stitches in pattern
- repeat these two rounds once more
- round 8: work all knit stitches as RIGHT TWIST
- round 9: work all stitches in pattern
- repeat these two rounds 3x
- repeat rounds 4 & 5 two times
- work 3 rounds of [p1, k1, p1] to end
round 1: [k9, m1] to end {10 ts increased}
round 2: k plain
round 3: [k10,m1] to end {10 sts increased}
round 4: k plain
round 5: [k11, m1] to end {10 sts increased}
knit plain until hat masures 7"
Crown Decreases
r 1: [k13, k2tog] to end {112 sts}
r2: [k12, k2tog] to end {104 sts}
r3: [k11, k2tog] to end {96 sts}
r4: [k10, k2tog] to end {88 sts}
r5: [k9, k2tog] to end {80 sts}
r6: [k8, k2tog] to end {72 sts}
r7: [k7, k2tog] to end {64 sts}
r8: [k6, k2tog] to end {56 sts}
r9: [k5, k2tog] to end {48 sts}
r10: [k4, k2tog] to end {40 sts}
r11: [k3, k2tog] to end {32 sts}
r12: [k2, k2tg] to end {24 sts}
r13: [k1, k2tog] to end {16 sts}
r14: [k2tog] to end {8 sts}
weave yarn through and pull tight
And that's all there was to it.
PS - Jon wants me to tell you that there are SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES on Sprite cans! Yeah, I don't know where he's going with that, either
You scoff, but don't be fooled by Sprite's delicious Lemon-Lime flavor, it's really a tool of the Mole People and the Trilateral commission to abolish knitting in favor of crochet--don't give up the fight for quality-knitted, slouchy hats!!
hmm... I don't know if I agree with jon's statement about the purpose of sprite's subliminal messages... but THEY ARE THERE!!!!!!
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