Part I: In Which The Gifts Reach Their Intended Owners
The bevy of hand-knitted gifts I passed out this year were very well received indeed. I've grown kind of attached to the, so it was sad to see them go.

Part II: In Which The Author Spreads the Joy of Knitting Like an Infectious Disease
One of my favorite things about knitting is the immediate sense of community and camaraderie it gives you. I remember feeling suddenly plugged into this whole awesome network of people, even though all I'd managed to was a terrible acrylic garter stitch scarf with so many dropped stitches not even a hobo would wear it. So, I find myself wanting to teach anyone and everyone how to knit. I continued my personal quest to convert my entire social network into knitters one person at a time over Christmas with mixed results.

Underneath her is Jon, my boyfriend, who's modeled several goodies for this site. I've tried teaching him to knit a couple of times, convinced that he'd love it and we'd curl up by the fireplace we don't have and knit each other heartfelt scarves. Other people have tried too. Our friend Van plopped him down over Thaksgiving with a ball of yarn and some needles, resulting in the worst swatch ever. But, alas, I don't think it is meant to be. He says he doesn't understand string and his hands are too big. He may be right, but I don't think I'm quite ready to give up the ghost yet.

But, Sam and Leila took to knitting like ducks to water! I brought the remaining of the apple green Malabrigo leftover from the Glaistig hat and armwarmers down with me and taught them how to make a totally uninterested square of stockinette fabric. I foolishly assumed that these would just be wonky first-timer swatches that would languish in a bag somewhere having fulfilled their purpose as a learning experience. I totally underestimated them. Leila has plans to sew buttons onto hers to make it into a kicky neckgaurd/choker thing

Sam got even more ambitious and after a quick and somewhat ill-fated trip to Wal-Mart (I had gone in search of a Mac compatible computer game, but it was in vain) where she picked up some needles, cheap yarn, and the goofiest learn-to-knit book ever, started a snazzy ribbed scarf eventually destined for her boyfriend.
I am brimming with pride.
Part III: In Which Cpt. Knitpicky is Reunited with Her Knitting Crew

The tall one banging the pot lids together is Tamar, my Other. The short one in the hat banging her pot against my pot is Dani, my soul twin. These are two of my very favorite people, and nutured my love of knitting last year. Dani taught me how! Mad props to her.

Part IV: In Which The Lonliness of Long-Distance Travel is Used to Produce Socks

Aren't they lovely? I started the cable twist socks on the flight home, and made the entire leg during the flight! They went really, really fast, and I think I finished them in four days. On Christmas, no less. And the best thing? I was able to crack the fit barrier. I finally made myself a pair of socks that fit properly and was to long in the foot or too wide. I can wear them with shoes!
Yarn - 1 skein of handpainted Zen Yarn Garden sportweight yarn (100% superwash merino, 260 yards) in the Blueberry Swirl colorway. It was a total impulse buy from Kpixie, and totally worth it. The colors are gorgeous and muted and flow into each other in a most attractive way.
Pattern - Hello Yarn's Cable Twist socks. I really made no major pattern adjustments. I cast on 49 stitches instead of 56 stitches to go down a size, and I kind of made up the toe and heel as I went along. Oh! And if you look closely at the bottom picture, you'll see that I picked the gusset stitches the pretty way. Grumperina's right, it really does look better. I really enjoyed this pattern. It was simply enough to zone out, but not boring, because I'm a sucker for twisted stitches. I think it shows off the yarn really well.
Needles - I worked the socks using Magic Loop (what else?) on size 3 addi turbos.

I took this picture of the sunset somewhere along I-80 in Pennsylvania on the way back as I was knitting them. The sky matched the yarn perfectly! Coincidence? I think not.
Yarn - All Things Heather sock weight yarn (100% superwash merino, 330 yards) in Zenith, also from Kpixie. This yarn is awesome. The colors are so vibrant and the yarn is so bouncy. It striped perfectly on the leg in the zig-zag pattern stitch, but there's a bit of awkward pooling happening on the instep of one of them (it's happening on the sole of the other one, but that's conveniently hidden), and I'm not sure if it had to do with the tension changing because the sole is knit in stockinette or because the pattern calls for extra decreases in the gusset, resulting in fewer stitches being worked for the foot than for the leg, or some combination of both. But, I don't care. I love them just the way they are.
Pattern - The ubiquitous Jaywalkers by Grumperina. Again, I basically improvised the toe and heel, but other than that I made no changes. And they fit perfectly, just as well as the cable twist socks! This is such an addictive pattern, so I see why so many people out there in knitblogland have made three or four pairs. If I knit these again, I'll pick up a set of size 0 needles to make the ribbing fit better.
Needles - I used a 29" Susan Bates quicksilver size 1 circular. Nothing fancy, but not quite as nice as working on the Addis. The needles are also pointier than Addis and I have this weird little habit of pushing the tip of the needle down when I'm knitting, resulting in a teensy callous on my left index finger.
So that catches you up. Now that the semester's starting back up, I'll be taking refuge in knitting and blogging once again. And of course it helps that I have cable internet and don't have to deal with dial-up like I do at home.
1 comment:
Man, so that dude in your photos sure is handsome. I'd like to get myself a piece of that. Oh, and the knitting is boss as well.
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