I've been amusing myself today by watching Grease 2 from the floor (at some point while napping I rolled off the couch....and just kind of stayed down there underneath the coffee table. I get wacky when I'm sick (case in point, the super-long parenthetical asides, with other parenthetical asides nestled within them). One time, I wanted to run around outside in the snow shoeless because I felt hot. Jon didn't let me because he's responsible and patient. ) and starting a new pair of socks for myself. I'd planned on starting a hat, but it would have required rolling a skein into a ball, and the sock yarn was already prepped and ready to go. I chose the Here There Be Dragons pattern, and I'm already through with the leg and heel of the first one.

And yesterday, I finished the mittens!

Yarn - Henry's Attic superfine Peruvian alpaca tweed (100% alpaca, about 600 yards per 1/2 pound skein) in color 109. I knit the mittens with two strands held together throughout to make them warmer and get a bigger gauge, since Jon's basically got catcher's mitts for hands.
Needles - set of 4 bamboo size 7 dpns. A fifth needle would've made things a bit easier, but I lost it, so whatever.
Pattern - Peekaboo mittens from the latest issue of Magknits. I followed the gist of the pattern more than the pattern itself and sized it according to a mateless mitten I'd made for Jon a year or so ago. The only major modification made was I substituted an afterthought thumb for the thumb with a gusset the pattern specifies. And I just did that because it made the mittens even easier.
Man, Grease 2 is such a fantastic movie! It's up there with Episode I in terms of awesome se/prequels. The only thing that could have really improved the film was more cat vomit yarn.
I've just been searching around for people who've made my Peekaboo Mittens, and I came across your site! Your Peekaboos look great - and I'm glad you altered the pattern to fit your preferences - my goal was to design something universal that could be altered without much head-scratching and math (boo!), and it looks like yours were a great success. I just started a knitalong, please join if you knit another pair, or just join and share your pattern edits!
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