Thursday, June 21, 2007


Sorry for the absence of late, the last week has been kinda weird. Despite the non-blogging weirdness, I do have some recent developments to report!

I: I'm a joiner

Well, I joined the Fitted Knits-Along. I'm making a lot of progress on the puff-sleeved cardigan, and you can see it here.

II: Sockpal Yarn!

After much deliberation, I orderd the yarn for my sockapalooza socks online last week, and it came in yesterday!

It's Yarn Botanika merino/tencel in the colorway bluebells. My pal really didn't give me much to go on in terms of pattern or colors, so I scoped out her blog and saw she tended to gravitate towards pale greens and sky blues. I think this yarn fits the bill. Now, I have to figure out what pattern to use.

III: Cat update

The fat one's still fat, and has taken to sleeping in strange locations of late. Which is really cute.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Murphy's Law revisited

This morning started out really well. I woke up at a decent hour and made myself some tea, and starting surfing the web until Jon woke up. I was planning to eat a quick breaskfast and then hunker down and do loads of stuff that needed getting done. I've had a bit of trouble jump-starting myself after taking a week or so to myself to unwind after all the research and writing and traveling on delayed flights and all, but today was the day I was going to get back in the competent-grad-student-saddle.

Then my computer I restarted it thinking it was a fluke. And I got the typical start-up Mac chime, a gray screen, and....nothing. Just a horrible clicking noise that (I swear to sweet baby Jesus) I'd never heard coming from my computer before. Trying not to panic, I tried restarting again. This time I got the gray screen and a folder with a question mark. Which I took as a bad sign.

And I was right. Several phone calls to Mac helplines and visits to computer people (all done by the generous and stalwart Jon, because I was, you know, panicking) revealed that my hard drive was completely, totally, irrevocably fried. No data can be recovered and I need a new one. I now have a brick. There went my productive day.

I decided to take the day off. Last week when I got my stipend, I ordered all of this from Adagio Teas:

A package with that mug with a cool strainer/steeper thing and sample packs of teas in a bunch of different flavors to try out came yesterday, and I was thrilled. I've been trying to distract myself from the fact that I just lost the entire contents of my hard drive (I mean, I have the really important stuff backed up, but still) by drinking a lot of tea, re-reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and knitting the puff-sleeved cardigan. I'm half-way done on the yoke now.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The return of knitting content

Ok, as promised, here's some actual knitting content!

The Exchequered scarf is clicking along at a decent pace. I'm now to the checkered midsection, and I'm planning to keep chugging along until I'm out of yarn and then graft it to the other end section. Since it's a ridiculously easy pattern now that the check is established, and since I kind of totally hate knitting scarves (the length! The utter lack of any variety! Gah!), I've decided it will be my travel knitting. There's no real rush for a squishy double-knit scarf now that the temperatures in the mid-80s anyway, right?

Since the scarf is on the backburner, I started a couple of new projects. First, I'm working on a pair of pomatomus socks. I started them last week when I was sick and have since already completed the first sock!

(click for bigger)

I've been wanting to make them for awhile, and the pattern has not disappointed me so far. I also decided to use this as an oppurtunity to further my appreciation fro toe-up sock construction. I wanted to be able to use the entire skein for once, and not get left with a whole lot of yarn at the end. Man, this puppy turned out tall! Also, the cats gave their stamp of approval when they carried it off in the middle of it's inaugural photoshoot.

I also started the puff-sleeved cardigan from Fitted Knits. I bought the book originally for this design, because it's just so damn cute. I'm using the organic wool/cotton yarn I got awhile ago that I originally planned to make into a Ribena-inspired vest. I swatched and cast on for the vest no less than 3 times, and it just wasn't working. It seems to have taken quite nicely to the cardigan though.

I'm about 1/3 of the way through the raglan increases. I ended up reworking the pattern a bit because my gauge was larger than the pattern called for. Which was soooo easy! Not only is it knit top-down in one peice, which automatically makes it customizable, but the author included a section in the book on how to resize garments....and used this sweater as an example! Funnily enough, I'm more or less following the directions for the 36" size, even though the finished product will boast a bust measurement of 43".

On a somewhat unrelated note, look at those stitch markers! I love them. Jon's mom got them for me when she was up in the Upper Peninsula. Heather, if you're reading this, I'm also grateful for the saffron bread you left here when you passed through last. It did not last long.

In really exciting knitting news, I now have knitting buddies who don't live hundreds of miles away! I went to brunch with a wonderfully sane and funny person in my program (which, I'll have you know, is quite a feat in my cohort. Some of them are just nuts.), a friend of hers, and her sister. It was lovely and refreshing. On the way home I cut through the market and picked up this geranium.

It's a present for Jon. Our friend Van has several houseplants and each time we've visited Jon's mentioned wanting to get some for our apartment. I have no knowledge of plants and asked the woman selling them what would be best for an apartment and she suggested this. Jon was thrilled and has dubbed it Francis. Long live Francis!

PS - We've already established that I have a deep, abiding love of reality TV. Its not surprising, then, that I have become obsessed with So You Think Can Dance? It's got everything you could really want: acrobatic moves that make someone getting hurt a real possibility, attractive young people in ridiculous outfits, and a judge that is quite probably drunker than Paula Abdul. Seriously, Mary Murphy is just insane! Lots of weird screaming and swaying. I feel bad for the judges sitting on either side of her as she must smell like a barrel of paint thinner.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Movie list...but still no knitting content

Tomorrow, I promise to post actual knitting content.
In the meantime, movie time! I got this list from CynCyn, and like her, the ones I've seen are bolded and the ones I own are italicized. Lift it, read through, and indicate your own seen it/own it status and then add 3 at the end!

01. Trainspotting

02. Shrek
03. M
04. Dogma
05. Strictly Ballroom
06. The Princess Bride
07. Love Actually
08. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings
09. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

11. Reservoir Dogs

12. Desperado
13. Swordfish
14. Kill Bill Vol. 1
15. Donnie Darko
16. Spirited Away
17. Better Than Sex
18. Sleepy Hollow
19. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
20. The Eye
21. Requiem for a Dream
22. Dawn of the Dead
23. The Pillow Book
24. The Italian Job
25. The Goonies
26. Baseketball

27. The Spice Girls Movie
28. Army of Darkness
29. The Color Purple
30. The Safety of Objects
30. Can’t Hardly Wait
32. Mystic Pizza
33. Finding Nemo
34. Monsters Inc.
35. Circle of Friends
36. Mary Poppins
37. The Bourne Identity
38. Forrest Gump

39. A Clockwork Orange
40. Kindergarten Cop
41. On The Line
42. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
43. Final Destination
44. Sorority Boys
45. Urban Legend

46. Cheaper by the Dozen
47. Fierce Creatures
48. Dude, Where’s My Car
49. Ladyhawke
50. Ghostbusters
51. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
52. Back to the Future
53. An Affair To Remember

54. Somewhere In Time
55. North By Northwest
56. Moulin Rouge
57. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
58. The Wizard of Oz
59. Zoolander
60. A Walk to Remember
61. Chicago
62. Vanilla Sky
63. The Sweetest Thing
64. Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead
65. The Nightmare Before Christmas
66. Chasing Amy

67. Edward Scissorhands
68. Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert
69. Muriel’s Wedding
70. Croupier
71. Blade Runner
72. Cruel Intentions
73. Ocean’s Eleven

74. Magnolia
75. Fight Club
76. Beauty and the Beast
77. Much Ado About Nothing
78. Dirty Dancing
79. Gladiator
80. Ever After
81. Braveheart
82. What Lies Beneath
83. Regarding Henry
84. The Dark Crystal
85. Star Wars
86. The Birds
87. Beaches
88. Cujo
89. Maid In Manhattan
90. Labrynth

91. Thoroughly Modern Millie
92. His Girl Friday
93. Being John Malkovich
94. Run Lola Run
95. The Color of Paradise
96. Ghost in the Shell
97. Tron
98. Tomb Raider
99. Almost Famous
100. Alice in Wonderland
101. Dr. Strangelove
102. Kairo
103. Stir of Echoes
104. Lilo & Stitch
105. Brazil
106. Heathers
107. Talk to Her
108. Memento
109. Young Frankenstein
110. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
111. Mulholland drive
112. Dogville
113. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
114. Lost in Translation
115. Some Like it Hot
16. Punch-Drunk Love
117. Gohatto
118. Full Metal Jacket
119. Death on the Nile
117. Practical Magic
118. Amelie

119. Butterfly Effect
120. Cast Away
121. Tangled
122. Frequency
123. The Others
124. American Beauty
125. The Last Samurai
126. Ghost World
127. Taxi Driver
128. The Royal Tenenbaums
129. Cube
130. Nosferatu (Herzog version?)
131. Nuovo cinema Paradiso
132. Koroshiya Ichi
133. The Thing (John Carpenter)
134. J?bei Ninp?ch? (a.k.a. Ninja Scroll)
135. The Kingdom (all parts)
136. Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo
137. Secretary
138. Hellraiser
139. Avalon
140. Heat
141. Out of Africa
142. True Romance

143. Goodbye Lenin
144. Vengo
145. Pulp Fiction
146. Crazy/Beautiful
147. Grease

148. Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels
149. Four Rooms
150. Festen
151. Tillsammans/Together
152. Central Do Brasil
153. Closer
154. Rounders
155. Sliding Doors
156. Stand by Me
157. The Shawshank Redemption
158. The Green Mile

159. Velvet Goldmine
160. Dracula 2000
161. King Arthur
162. Hedwig and the Angry Inch
163. Top Secret!
164. The Virgin Suicides
165. Camelot

166. The Emperor’s Wife
167. Gormenghast
168. Singin’ in the Rain
169. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
170. Team America: World Police
171. 42nd Street
172. Crossing Delancy
173. 50 First Dates
174. Iris
175. Ella Enchanted
176. Garden State
177. Titanic
178. The Bumblebee Flies Anyway
179. Billy Elliot
180. Meet the Feebles
181. Passion of the Christ
182. Brassed Off!
183. when Harry met Sally
184. Before Sunrise
185. Dead Poets Society
186. The Black Stallion

187. Lord of the Flies
188. Sense & Sensibility
189. Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
190. The Talented Mr. Ripley

191. The Indian Runner
192. The Faculty
193. Interview With The Vampire
194. Formula 17
195. Frida
196. Grave of the Firefiles
197. Big Fish
198. The American President
199. What About Bob?
200. Crimson Tide

201. Pieces of April
202. Resident Evil
203. Walking and Talking
204. The Notebook
205. Amadeus
206. Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion
207. Batteries Not Included
208. The Emperor’s New Groove
209. Adventure’s In Babysitting
210. Better Off Dead
211. Legally Blonde
212. Shrek 2
213. Seven

214. Bound
215. Blue
216. White
217. The Red Violin
218. Cat Balou
219. Breakfast at Tiffany's
220. Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (the original)
221. Neverending Story

222. The Terminal
223. The Last Unicorn
224. The Color of Fear (documentary)
225. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
226. The Seven Samurai
227. The Big Lebowski
228. City of God

Friday, June 08, 2007

Warning: No Actual Knitting Content

Guess what! I'm not dead....just lazy! Basically, I meant to write this post, like, a week ago when I got back to Ann Arbor, but my natural slothfulness took over. My apologies. Let's play catch-up!

Part I: Continued Adventures in Minneapolis
Even though we were sick, as detailed in my last post, Dani the Wonder Friend decided that we should spend our time together doing awesome fun stuff! I had my reservations (being sick and whiny and all) but she did eventually convince me to leave her apartment and venture out. We went shopping at a super-cool vintage store where I got these goodies:

Despite the terrible I-took-this-in-a-tiny-changing-room quality of the photos, they're actually quite nice little dresses. The brown one has a lovely brocade pattern and Dani and I decided that next time we're together we're making our friends have a proper fancy-dress sit-down dinner to show off our new duds.

Then we went to lunch at a nice Thai place where I found the cure for headcolds:

Behold Tom Yum soup! Seriously, it was perfect. It's lemon juice and chili pepper, so it clears out the sinuses and perks you up. Next time you get a cold, I strongly advise you to check this stuff out.

We caught a couple of movies before I left, too. We saw Waitress, which was actually really adorable without being saccharine, and Pirates of the Carribbean. Pirates was alternately awesome and really kind of painful, so I kind of half reccomend it? If you've got a spare three hours and you don't mind unresolved plot lines? This week (sadly, not with Dani) I saw 28 Weeks Later, which I totally reccommend if you liked the first one. Awesomeness abounds with killer zombies.

Part 2: Taking a Turn for the Worst/Self-indulgent
So....after having a blast with Dani despite the massive production of mucus, I got to the airport praying that at least one of my planes would be on time. They weren't. Because apparently I'm cursed with the planes. I mean, seriously, I calculated it and in the last month I've been on 8 airplanes form 3 different airlines, and every single one was delayed at least an hour. It's getting hard not to take it personally.

But I digress. I got there, only to find out that the plane was going to be delayed for, oh, about 2 1/2 hours. This is how I responded:

I was all annoyed and stuff until they got back on the speakers and said, no actually, our "wheels-up" time will be 4 hours late. 4 hours! How ridiculous is that? So I responded like this:

Luckily everything was so delayed in Chicago that I actually made my connecting flight. Thanks plane gods for throwing me a bone, even if it did mean I rolled into Ann Arbor at 3 in the morning.

The next day I woke up feeling aboslutely wretched, probably because I'd spent so much time not eating or sleeping and breathing recycled air in airports and planes, which can't help you get over a cold. The bad news is I spent the last week shuffling around my apartment wrapped in a balnket clutching a box of tissues feeling to pissed off at airlines to blog about it.

But I'm back! The good news is I'm okay now. And I promise that I'll have plenty of fun knitting pictures for you next time I post.