That's fine by me though. I feel that Jon and I are compliment each other in a lot of ways (I'm a compulsive planner, he flies by the seat of his pants; he loves to vacuum, I like making spreadsheets for our joint budget), but that one thing we have in common is that we're both extremely introverted. I don't mean introverted in the pop-psychology sense meaning that we're shy people who don't like to talk about themselves. Clearly that can't be the case since I'm blogging about myself, and I don't think anyone familiar with Jon's habit of getting drunk and dancing like a fool in order to be the center of attention would call him shy. We are not mousy, reserved people by any stretch of the imagination.
No, I'm talking about introversion in the classic Eysenckian sense. Eysenck conceptualized introversion and extraversion to be one's desired level of stimulation. Extroverted people need constant, high levels of stimulation. They tend to bore easily and become adrenaline junkies. The thought of bungie-jumping sounds awesome to them. Introverts, on the other hand, really can't handle that much stimulation. We're the kind of people who are perfectly content to spend our weekends curled up on the couch watching movies and find the urge to go sky-diving utterly incomprehensible. For me, a good day is one in which I do not have to change out of my sweatpants (and therefore leave my apartment). So, instead of going to a club or a bar or something cool and young and twentysomething-ish, the climax of Jon's birthday was this:

Well, almost. I've extended Jon's birthday to tomorrow as well because he hasn't gotten his presents yet. Because, you know, I've got the authority to do that sort of thing. I was uncharacteristically incompetent and waited until last Thursday to order said presents. I paid the extra money for faster shipping, but we slept through the delivery this morning, rendering the point moot.
Speaking of presents, I ironically got one in the mail today! My armwarmers from Tamar:

PS - notice the cyberpet on the sidebar? I've decided the blog needs a mascot. Who doesn't need a mascot? It's named after Dani, my Soul Twin because purple is her favorite color and penguins make her babble incomprehensibly with joy. I shit you not. I once saw her bounce up and down like an autistic child and lose her capacity for language while watching that part of Mary Poppins when the cartoon penguins sing and dance with Dick Van Dyke. Anyway, it's an homage to her. Try feeding it fish, it's fun. I promise.
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