It was wonderfully refreshing. You know those days were you finally stop and take a break and you had no idea that you needed a break that bad? That was what happened to me. Apparently the last week was far more exhausting than I thought. I recuperated by eating roughly a pound of cashew cookies and watching the first and third seasons of Little Britain. Which is one of the most awesome shows ever.
Oh yeah. And I did some knitting.

I started these socks last week. I didn't work on them that much, but I needed something to work on other than Flair. I'm using the red Ultramerino I bought awhile back and the drop stitch pattern from this steering wheel cover from Knitty...which is why I have dubbed them the Wheelie Socks. I've just started the toe decreases for the first one, so they're going pretty fast.
But then, because I'm a strange one, I decided halfway through the first season of Little Britain that I needed a break from the size 0 (!) needles I was making the socks on. So I started another project:

Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Who in their right mind would not bring the sweater she's been working on so feverishly, but instead bring a project that requires wee little needles? And who would be mad enough to then bring back up supplies should she finish/get bored with said wee needles she subjected herself to in the first place?" Well, I would. Because that's the way I roll.
Anyway, I've had an idea for a hat pattern bouncing around in my brain for awhile now. I wanted a slouchy hat that would be warm enough to wear in the cold winter winds (I made myself one awhile back, but it's lacy and the wind whips right through it), but would be big enough to accommodate my hair in it's puffy, thick, grown-out state (Shedir is warm, but not accommodating). So far, I've made the band. The serpentine twisted stitches that wiggle back and forth are there just to add that extra awesomeness that makes knitting mundane items by hand worthwhile, and I've decided to call it the Squiggle Hat because of them. Now I have to figure out how many stitches to increase in order reach the right amount of slouchiness without verging into mushroom territory - which is a fine line. Wish me luck.
PS - I just bought the sixth season of Northern Exposure. My collection is complete! All is right with the world.
1 comment:
Dude, I like the squigle thingy. How do you do that?
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