Hey everybody! I'm still alive, and I'm in Houston! I finally convinced my mom to get high-speed internet, so I thought I'd drop y'all a line.
Well, truth be told, we used to have it, and then my sister's computer broke, like, 2 years ago, but nobody ever called a technician to fix it or work it so that the family computer could get in on the high-speed action. But, we were still paying for it. My family rolls like that.
Anyway, it's getting late and I have to watch
The Last Unicorn with m sister and her friend, so I'll be brief. Progress has been made on the ampergrabbers!

This s the first pair of gloves I've made, and they're actually quite fun. I've only made afterthought thumbs, so I decided to make this a learning experience and worked a gusset instead. I did hit a pitfall, though.

See how the middle fingers are tiny? Well, I knit them the same length as the outer fingers, but they turned out all stumpy. After far too much head-scratching, I figured out that it's the biasing that's doing it, so I picked out the bound off edge and kept knitting until they all matched. See?

Actually, if you look closely at that picture, you'll notice that the glove is being modelled not big my gigantic blond boyfriend, but my adorable younger (though older-looking) sister. That's because Jon was wrong (as I suspected) about the glove being big enough to fit his giant catcher mitts. But they fit Leila's fine! HA!
Ok. That's all for now. I do have stories (knitting and non-knitting related) to tell you. I'll just say that this has been a wacky month.
Drats! Foiled by my own hand as it were.
I'm glad you're having fun at home! :) The gloves look great. I made that one pair for my mom...never again. Little tiny fingers on #1 dpns are too fiddly for my impatient self. ;)
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