Then my computer I restarted it thinking it was a fluke. And I got the typical start-up Mac chime, a gray screen, and....nothing. Just a horrible clicking noise that (I swear to sweet baby Jesus) I'd never heard coming from my computer before. Trying not to panic, I tried restarting again. This time I got the gray screen and a folder with a question mark. Which I took as a bad sign.
And I was right. Several phone calls to Mac helplines and visits to computer people (all done by the generous and stalwart Jon, because I was, you know, panicking) revealed that my hard drive was completely, totally, irrevocably fried. No data can be recovered and I need a new one. I now have a brick. There went my productive day.
I decided to take the day off. Last week when I got my stipend, I ordered all of this from Adagio Teas:

A package with that mug with a cool strainer/steeper thing and sample packs of teas in a bunch of different flavors to try out came yesterday, and I was thrilled. I've been trying to distract myself from the fact that I just lost the entire contents of my hard drive (I mean, I have the really important stuff backed up, but still) by drinking a lot of tea, re-reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and knitting the puff-sleeved cardigan. I'm half-way done on the yoke now.
Which tea flavors did you get? I got gingerbread, cinnamon, and peppermint around Christmas time. I haven't finished any of it yet (especially the gingerbread; I ordered the big canister), but the cinnamon is probably my favorite, especially when I'm sick.
I'm sorry about your brick. :P
Wow. I'm so drugged up and out of it that I didn't even leave my name up there on the comment. Niiiice.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I'm so sorry about your laptop. That blows really hard. Once you get it fixed we should webtoke ;-)
Is there anything your Momma can do?
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