Part I: Continued Adventures in Minneapolis
Even though we were sick, as detailed in my last post, Dani the Wonder Friend decided that we should spend our time together doing awesome fun stuff! I had my reservations (being sick and whiny and all) but she did eventually convince me to leave her apartment and venture out. We went shopping at a super-cool vintage store where I got these goodies:
Despite the terrible I-took-this-in-a-tiny-changing-room quality of the photos, they're actually quite nice little dresses. The brown one has a lovely brocade pattern and Dani and I decided that next time we're together we're making our friends have a proper fancy-dress sit-down dinner to show off our new duds.
Then we went to lunch at a nice Thai place where I found the cure for headcolds:

Behold Tom Yum soup! Seriously, it was perfect. It's lemon juice and chili pepper, so it clears out the sinuses and perks you up. Next time you get a cold, I strongly advise you to check this stuff out.
We caught a couple of movies before I left, too. We saw Waitress, which was actually really adorable without being saccharine, and Pirates of the Carribbean. Pirates was alternately awesome and really kind of painful, so I kind of half reccomend it? If you've got a spare three hours and you don't mind unresolved plot lines? This week (sadly, not with Dani) I saw 28 Weeks Later, which I totally reccommend if you liked the first one. Awesomeness abounds with killer zombies.
Part 2: Taking a Turn for the Worst/Self-indulgent
So....after having a blast with Dani despite the massive production of mucus, I got to the airport praying that at least one of my planes would be on time. They weren't. Because apparently I'm cursed with the planes. I mean, seriously, I calculated it and in the last month I've been on 8 airplanes form 3 different airlines, and every single one was delayed at least an hour. It's getting hard not to take it personally.
But I digress. I got there, only to find out that the plane was going to be delayed for, oh, about 2 1/2 hours. This is how I responded:

I was all annoyed and stuff until they got back on the speakers and said, no actually, our "wheels-up" time will be 4 hours late. 4 hours! How ridiculous is that? So I responded like this:

Luckily everything was so delayed in Chicago that I actually made my connecting flight. Thanks plane gods for throwing me a bone, even if it did mean I rolled into Ann Arbor at 3 in the morning.
The next day I woke up feeling aboslutely wretched, probably because I'd spent so much time not eating or sleeping and breathing recycled air in airports and planes, which can't help you get over a cold. The bad news is I spent the last week shuffling around my apartment wrapped in a balnket clutching a box of tissues feeling to pissed off at airlines to blog about it.
But I'm back! The good news is I'm okay now. And I promise that I'll have plenty of fun knitting pictures for you next time I post.
1 comment:
If it makes you feel any better, I've developed a sort of headache/throat thing and I've totally lost my voice. :P Your plane story sucks mightily, though. No wonder you haven't been knitting.
Re: Pirates 3 - My film-major boyfriend had the best idea ever. Take the second movie and toss it out. Take Pirates 3, cut it in half, and there be your trilogy. I agree with you that the periods of awesomeness were alternated with periods of pain, and you could never quite tell which was coming next, which really sucked for me because I'd had a large soda. I didn't want to get up for fear I'd miss something good. :P
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