My computer's back! It's actually been back for awhile, but I went on vacation basically as soon as I got it. I went to my friend Tamar's beach house in Amagansett, which for those of you not born to the WASPish upper-crust, is in the Hamptons. Anyway, me and my grungy, dorktastic friends hung out there for the better part of last week, being loud and uncouth in ways that I'm sure pissed off the classy neighbors.
I have pictures and all, but at some point, my camera got messed up. Not seriously so, but enough that we're taking it in to get looked at. Some luck with electronics I have, huh? Kinda brings out the Luddite in me. Once it's fixed and all, I'll post them so that you can live vicariously through me. Anyway, that brings me to the knitting. Since my camera's out of commission, you'll have to suffer through the sub-par picture I took using the photobooth feature on my recently repaired Mac. On to the handiwork!
I. Sockpal news
Check it out! I started my pal's socks. I'm using the yarn I posted about before and I'm making her Baudelaire socks from Knitty. I'm about 1/3 of the way through the gusset so far.

I know that there's been a lot of Murphy's Law happening to me of late (arguably there's a bit going on in the start of this post), but these socks are positively serendipitous. I'm working the large size on 2's...which is exactly the right size for her feet! And the yarn isn't pooling or striping as I feared it would! Though I may have terrible luck with expensive electronic equipment, I take heart in the fact that my knitting mojo remains intact.
II. Beach knitting
I started the Summertime Tunic from the last issue of Interweave Knits while on vacation.

I'm about 1/3 of the way through. I have to say, it's perfect beach knitting what with it being mindless (just endless amounts of stockinette in the round) and cool to work with (I'm using a cotton blend, Knitpicks Shine Sport, so it's not unbearable to work with outside). Now that I'm back from the beach, I'm going to make it my movie theater project.
III. Craziness
I'm working on a sweater. I know that doesn't sound too crazy, but wait for it....the sweater is made from mohair and wool and is a densely cabled super-cozy winter sweater. See the crazy now? See how crazy it is that I'm working on it when I have the air conditioner going full blast and I'm still sitting around in my underwear? Yeah, thanks Muse of Badly Timed Inspiration.

But if you can get past the seasonal craziness of it, it's actually kind of cool. I decided I wasn't that happy with the mohair sweater after all and ripped it. I thought it might be cool if paired with the gray tweed I got on sale a few months ago and started swatching in the round...which turned into a sleeve. I basically made up the cable panel as I went along, but really liked it, and expanded and elaborated it to make the center panel of the body. Now I'm about halfway through the body.

I tell you, this baby has a life of it's own. I'm calling it the Eton pullover because the more I work on it the more it seems like the person wearing it should be a scrawny upper-class British boy playing cricket at an elite boy's school. Which, you know, means I'll be pretending I went to Eton whenever I wear it despite my gender/nationality/build/atheleticism.
Wow. Your knitting mojo is indeed still intact. Someone stole mine, I think. Probably the same little gnomes that stole some of the random things I lost when I moved. :P
I'm glad they fixed your Mac!
Nice work! I've been checking out the Baudelaire's for my first toe up's, they seem like a pretty quick knit.
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