2) I wore the most ridiculous outfit ever to escort Dani to the car to get diet cherry cokes from it to feed her horrible addiction. See?

Yeah, bet you're glad that's burned into your retinas. Best part? I totally almost got hit by a car. Could've died....in that outfit. what a way to go that would've been.
3) My friend Cathleen and I carved small melons well after Halloween. Belated Melon O'Lanterns, Huzzah!
We had pumpkins but didn't get around to carving them. Now squirrels are harvesting the seeds from them and becoming strangely domesticated outside our front door.
4) I saw Joan Baez in concert (with Dani again - she's a fixture of these fun things, huh?)!! It was so awesome - she totally made digs at Bob Dylan and played a lot of songs I was really hoping for. And Dani and I were possibly the youngest people in the audience by a margin of about 25 years.
Next I shall discuss my new hairdo in depth. So stay tuned for that (if you're interested, I mean).
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