Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where are the ladies?

I'm having this weird problem. I've mentioned before the preponderance of gay elves in the stuff I've been working on, which is a little odd, and leads to a lot of LGBT themes I may or may not be wholly qualified to discuss. Probably not. And generally, this doesn't bother me so much. But one problem with it has been that this means a lot of the stuff I've been writing inadvertently turns into a bit of a sausage fest.

In the course of everything I've written, there have been any number of strong female characters (especially in the first half or so of the surprise novel about the gay dudes) but these have largely been relegated to supporting roles. To my credit, they are not always just lame love interests pining away for dudes, but still, the point stands. In terms of main POV characters, I think I've only written three female protagonists in any real depth. One had her very own novella, which I actually think worked out rather well, and the other two are POV characters in a novel. One of those has a storyline that's fairly mushy and makes me vaguely uncomfortable, and the other dies halfway through the damn thing. I didn't want her to -- she's such a badass and isn't tied to traditionally feminine themes at all -- but she did. She totally got herself killed.

I'm working on something right now that still very much in the primordial ooze stages (as in, I'm not entirely sure what the structure is (novella? loosely structured novel? interrelated short stories -- probably not given my history with those) and I've subsequently been playing around with various POVs, which is kind of my favorite thing to do. Blame the years of psychology classes, I guess.) and I thought it would be a good way to work in some ladies, but so far that hasn't been the case, either. There's a minor character who's mostly kind of a ho, and two more major characters, one of whom is tied into a love subplot which I like, but still kind of too close to Lifetime territory for me to feel comfortable with her hoisting up the vag flag alone. And the other chick in it is awesome, but she's not really going anywhere in it. Dammit.

So, what's the deal? I figure people tend to have a range of POV characters they feel particularly comfortable writing from, or groups with whom they have a particular affinity, but why are mine by and large gay men? And more often than not, gay men who are bicultural, when I myself am just a straight white girl? I actually seem to find women harder to write than straight dudes, I'm not sure why, even after meticulously creating societies that are fairly gender egalitarian. I'm starting to wonder if this is something I should be a little worried about. It is an odd sort of drift, and I do think the inclusion of strong non-stereotypical female characters is an important thing. So why aren't there any in my stuff? This is something I really feel like might need a more methodological, explicit approach to fixing, where I make myself write something with lots of women in it that doesn't devolve into pillow fights and such and perhaps keep the gay dudes on th periphery instead of vice versa. But then it feels forces and weird.

Food for thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, if you had told me and Leila you had a concept for a book, largely involving elves, we could have told you it was going to be a big sausage fest. Totally would have seen that coming.

Speaking of which, when are you coming down here?