1) the plane trip to Minnesota:
So, yeah, here's what happened. I got to the airport in plenty of time and checked in. I got pulled out of the security line ("randomly," of course, like always. I don't know if it's my affiliation with revolutionary politics, or the fact that I look vaguely Middle Eastern or what, but the Houston security dudes are totally suspicious of me), but that was alright. Whatever. So, I go to my gate, plop down with some knitting and....the lane is delayed for an hour and half.
Eventually, we get on the plane (yay!)....and pull away from the gate (yay!)....and.....sit there. The captain then comes on to tell us that there's weather issues in Dallas, where I had a layover, and that we won't be flying for another 3 HOURS. So we get off the plane and I get rebooked on a direct flight to Minneapolis (yay!)....on another airline (gah).
I leave the gate and terminal, and have to pick up my baggage at the lost luggage counter at airline #2 (which took forever), change terminals, and check in again. Only now it's later and there are a bazillion people in the airport so it takes forever. this flight is delayed an hour and a half too, but I do eventually make it to Minneapolis.
2) The gigantic socialist thingy:
Remember that? I was totally psyched because a)nothing's better than spending Memorial Day weekend plotting to over through the capitalist system and b) my bestest buddy ever was housing me! Sweet!
Except that not even the most hardcore socialist can really handle 30 straight hours in one room talking about dialectic materialism. Seriously, we were all zombies by the end. But that wasn't too bad. The bad thing was....
3) attack of the headcold
...I got totally sick. Jon was sick last week, and must have passed it to me at some point when we were not sleeping enough or eating properly during said gigantic socialist thingy. I was feeling kinda nasty on the second day, but didn't think much of it, and the third day I was really tired, but who wouldn't be at that point?
I'd decided to stay in Minneapolis a few extra days to bond with Dani the Wonder Friend, and we had plans! Awesome plans! Yesterday, our plans involved a baseball game.
See how happy we are? Dani and her nachos and me and my delicious bratwurst.
Too bad we left in the seventh inning. We couldn't make it, we were tired and congested and generally grumpy. And today, we both woke up feeling absolutely horrible. Seriously, I didn't even know the human body could produce this much mucus! We've spent the day whimpering staring vacantly into space.
This is where Murphy's Law gets cruel. I haven't seen Dani in like, 6 months! And instead of hanging out together and being generally awesome, we're napping in separate rooms. I swear to god, if something else goes wrong its a government conspiracy.
I did finish the other end section of the scarf, though. So that's good news.