Monday, January 21, 2008

Oops! There went January....

...without any posts. Sorry about that. Let me catch you up on what happened once my Christmas hermitage ended. In a nutshell...

...Jon got decorated. I think (but I'm not exactly sure) that this happened because he threatened to go running. Dani and I decided this was a terrible idea and said that he could - but that he would be COVERED IN SHARPIE!! He decided not to. Then, New Years got closer and we....

...built a really bad-ass fort! Look at that setup: 2 blankets for maximum canopy coverage, two-level seating arrangement, and a coffee table. We spent 3 or 4 days in this puppy solid and watched the entire Twilight Zone Marathon! Well, we took shifts, but someone was awake and in front of the TV for every single episode. which is impressive nonetheless. A couple of days later, the Twilight Zone Fort was repurposed for...

...Dani's birthday party! Don't ask me what's going on with me an Jon in this picture, I just don't know. Rest assured it was awesome. And finally...

...Dani and I got tattooed! These are little moonmonsters we;ve been thinking about getting for awhile. It's a long story, which involves a long drive to Texas culminating in my sister running around our front yard in a bathrobe trying to scare us. I think you had to be there. Oh! Interesting tidbit: the tattoo parlor we went to also did Jim Jarmusch, one of the best directors ever.

Stay tuned for knitting content, while will appear before February come hell or high water.

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