Knitting wise, it was a great year, even if it did slow down a bit at the end. Of course there was standard cold weather gear:

The clear winner, in terms of number of completed objects alone (and, I might add, continuous wear) are the socks! I went totally sock-crazy last year - but if this is wrong, I don't know if I want to be right. Because then I'd have really cold feet. Instead, I have these (well, some of them):

This year I made tons of real clothes, too! Well, not tons, but there was a 600% increase in sweater production from last year. Warm outer garments abound!

So that was the year in knitting, finally. Exciting right? But not half so exciting as this weekend....when I tell you what I've got on the needles! Oh, the possibilities of another 11 months of knitted goodness.
Down to the wire, but it still counts!!!!!
Wow! Missy you really did so much knitting!! It all looks great.
Love You Mucho - Momma
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