It's that time again! Really, it was a half-day today because Jon left this afternoon, but whatever. Because this whole hermit-thing seems mysterious and concerning to come folks, I've decided to demystify it by noting what I do while everyone's gone. It'll be a boring few posts, so I'd suggest only reading it if you feel strangely compelled or are actually interested (though the latter case may be more odd than me actually spending the holidays alone). Today:
- Jon drove me to my advisor's house and I fed his cat. I also removed a dead mouse from his basement. I should go again before people come back here, but there was (no exaggeration) a foot of snow on his landing, and conditions were such that I left a ridiculous amount of food for the cat , Clara, in case I couldn't bring myself to go back out there again.
- I ate some delicious butternut soup, generously made for me by Jon last night from a recipe of Van's.
- I completely reorganized my yarn stash, which was quite satisfying.
- I moved my desktop computer to the coffee table, the better to watch TV and play warcraft from. I kind of like it here.
- I watched the first season of Entourage on demand. I like it more than I expected.
Stay tuned for more boring stuff tomorrow.
Dude, this is the time to hermit, hear ye, hear ye!
I am trying to stay in as much as possible since it's my days off.
I'll be reading 'cause I love you & miss you. Could you possibly set up a web cam so I could watch you?
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