Dear knitting blog,
I'm sorry I've been so distant. Things have been hard's started and I have all my research to do. On top of that, I'm carrying a full load of classes and I've started teaching. It's all very strange, and something I was perhaps unprepared for. Very through the looking glass, you know, what with all of the long hours spent trying to come up with a not totally lame group exercise to teach totally unenthused students about validity and reliability.
But I can hear what you're saying, blog. You're going, "Don't even! You were insanely busy last year and still found time to blog with me!" Well, I can't deny that....but the problem hasn't been the lack of blogging. No, the real problem is that I haven't even been knitting. A row here and there, sure, but not like usual. I didn't tell you before, but I started a new medication a while back. It's nothing serious! I'm ok! Well, the doctor told me to scale back on the caffeine, which you of all blogs should know is pretty hard for me. It makes my hands shaky and that makes it hard to knit.
Oh, blog, I can't lie anymore! Not to you, knitting blog! The real truth is that I haven't been knitting or blogging because...I've been seeing someone else. His name is
Jarthen, and I may have mentioned him once or twice. It's getting pretty serious....we're even getting into
podcasts together. I know this is painful, blog, but mostly this letter is to say I'm sorry. Sorry for letting you down
and sorry for deceiving you.
But I can't help but hope that we can still make this work! Take me back, blog! I did some knitting this weekend...don't you want me to show you? Don't you want to know how excited I am that the next cycle of
America's Next Top Model is starting this week (on my birthday, no less)? The Jarthen blog doesn't care about any of that, it would make fun of me!
I'm a fan of
Big Love, as you know. And I know we may not be Mormons, blog, but I think we should live the principle. You and me and the Jarthen blog as one big happy online family. Let's make a go of it! And to show you I'm really serious, I'll post everyday this week, even if they're just wee little posts. I'm up to the bigamous-blog challenge, I know I am!