Once again, I have little for you on the actual new stuff front. I will tell you that I've started the sleeves of rusted root, but if I took a picture it would look exactly like the one I posted yesterday. So I won't be posting about anything current...but we're making up for lost time, so I guess it's ok. I hope you understand.
Anyway, I was thinking about what to show you today, and I decided I'd show you a couple of funny things I'd knitted but never blogged about. And then I pulled all the pictures off my digital camera was full and realized I had a bajillion pictures of the cats being ridiculous. And then I realized that one of the goofy knitted-things I was going to blog about anyway was a cat toy I made over a year ago, so it was kind of fated.
This is Frank the crab. He's a blue crab because Jon's a Marylander (which, by the way, is an awesome word), and you know how they love their crabs there. I put catnip in it because I was churning out cat toys at a fearsome rate around then. I made Frank out of some soft acrylic yarn that wasn't to squeaky. I mostly just made it up as I went along, but I remember making two pentagons for the shell. After I'd sewn them together and stuffed it, I think I picked up stitches along the outside and made the legs out of i-cords. The pinchers were done in the round (I think) and shaped with decreases. I used buttons for eyes, the same ones as here.

But, why is Frank so fuzzy there? Because Mittens is a total niphead, that's why. Seriously, that one is an unwed teenage drugged-out mother. She's actually got cat toys stashed away in various parts of the apartment that uses when she's fiending. Check this out:

See? She did that while I was taking pictures of Frank tonight. Couldn't help herself. And stoned out of her mind, too. I'm thinking about contacting those nice people from A&E's Intevention show to come and have a gander.
And then there's Fatty. He's too simple to be interested in drugs, he just doesn't understand them. Here are two things he does understand, though:
Blinking while making a nest out of my clothes...

...and guitars (as furniture, mind you, not as musical instruments).

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