All that aside, I do have actual knitting news for you! The Eton pullover is coming right along, see?

I've joined the arms to the body and I've been working on the yoke. I'm pleased with the progress, but on inspection this weekend, I'm not entirely sure everything's going right. Like usual, I'm kind of winging it until something goes wrong and make me write everything out. It's the way I roll.
Thing is, I've never made a sweater this way, so I'm not sure if it's wrong or not. It could (maddeningly) go either way - turn out just fine or horribly. So I'm faced with a dilemma: keep on knitting and then realize I need to rip out about 4 straight inches of dense, twisty cables, or rip back now and take innumerable hours trying to work out unforseen logistics. I'm still on the fence about which way to go.
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