I made this one. Jon actually got this pumpkin for free! He was at a group meeting for some library science class he's taking, and apparently some campus group was holding a 'Celebrate Sober' type thing in the student union on Halloween, where you could eat theme-related cookies or decorate teeny pumpkins. It was also totally deserted, so Jon snagged a pumpkin for me.
We call this one Bailey Cat-Face, after a girl (named Bailey) in Jon's aforementioned class group. She signs her emails with an anime cat face that was the inspiration I used for this particular pumpkin. This is what the cat face signature looks like: =^_^=
Jon made this one. We call him Gandalf, for obvious reasons. This one we paid for, but let me tell you, we got a helluva deal. He cost about $5, but he weighs....(drumroll, please).....26 POUNDS! That's 1/6th of my weight. That's more than our two not-skinny cats put together. That works out to less than $.20 per pound. I think Gandalf may be bigger than the leviathan that outmatched us back in our Obie days.

All totaled, we carved 7 pumpkins. Here's our family portrait. We're considering using it as a Christmas card.

bottom row: Grandma Gormless, Gandalf the Punkin, Sawtooth the Intimidator
We may continue carving up unsuspecting pumpkins until they go out of season. Then we might move onto squash or other gourd-like things. Until then, I'll leave you with this:
1The cats just had to go to the vet for a checkup. During said checkup, we received external confirmation that Fatty is actually fat, and that his nickname is therefore an accurate description. Too fat, actually. The vet wants us to put him on a diet.
1 comment:
Oh man. I love you guys. And your pumpkins became noticeably more skillfully carved as your blogs progressed. Well done, well done.
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