Sunday, February 03, 2008


....Tom Brady is crying like a little girl, and I'm ok with that. I'm alright with the suffering that Tom Brady and Bill Belichick are enduring right now because it is but the bitter fruit of the NY Giants' victory in tonight's Super Bowl.

Now, I don't approve of jumping on the bandwagon just because a team is doing well -- I never have. I will also admit, that I have not been the most pious of fans: I certainly haven't kept the sabbath holy, or borne witness to many of the faithfuls' recent trials, but I never, ever went so far as to root for false idols. I am penitent for my lack of observance, and I am proud to say that my faith has been renewed by the glorious spectacle of the New England Patriots getting spanked in possibly the finest Super Bowl ever played.

Truly, young Eli, you are the chosen one.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the play-by-play of the final seconds -- a very exciting game!

October Revolution said...

Man, I love loved that game. I'm bad at blog posting, but this post sounds written by Jon.

Just saying.