Sunday, October 28, 2007

Behold, Pumpkins!

Jon went shopping (he always does the grocery shopping - it's something I just refuse to do, because I have no car and because I don't cook) and surprised me with some pumpkins and jack-o-lantern supplies. Last time we tried to make a jack-o-lantern was a couple of years ago, at Oberlin, when we got a behemoth of a pumpkin which bested us. It was too monstrously thick to carve well, and ended up looking just ridiculous.

But these turned out pretty good, I think.

Yay for jack-o-lanterns! There may be more to come, depending on when Jon gets to the store next.


The Author said...

Well that's a handsome pumpkin there on the left, but I'm a little afraid the other one's fixin' to ass on my carpet!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! You can totally that the one on the left is Jon's. Same fucking face!