So, this weekend was kind of a bust. There was no working really (some paper did get graded), but there wasn't any real sleeping, either, so it wasn't all that relaxing. I'm not prone to insomnia, so this is weird for me, but I'm under a ton of pressure school-wise and other-parts-of-life-wise and just let it get to me I think.
I took today off for recovery. I watched some really, really, bad horror movies (Thr3e in particular is bad. So bad that it totally has fake versions of real actors, which is something to see.) and ate some fried chicken. And....I finished the first charade sock! Hooray for knitting accomplishments!

One down, one to go. Sweet.
Yay for socks! It's beautiful!!
Oooh, pretty sock. :) What's the yarn, did you ever say? *goes back to check*
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