Monday, October 15, 2007

A Heel for Brian

Weird. It's exactly a week since my last post. I'm trying to carve out some me-time from my hideous monster-schedule of vicious time-bandits, so hopefully it'll become more frequent than that. And if it doesn't that happen, hopefully Jon will start posting here. And then there will truly be cross-pollination of the knitting and Jarthen blogs.

But, back to the knitting! I took this weekend mostly off, and worked on Brian's socks and the Eton pullover. The Eton pullover still needs pictures taken, so it'll have to wait until another post.

So, last time you saw it, the Charade socks were barely halfway through the foot. Now, they're past the heel! Check it out:

check out my cankle!

Impressive, right? They're coming right along. One section that did give me pause, though, was the heel. I figure I have to make a billion socks in the next few months, so it behooves me to make it a learning experience. I'm going to try and learn a new(ish) sock technique with each pair. For Brian's socks, I chose the short-row heel:

I've done them before, on the here there be dragons socks, but I did't do it right (I think, in retrospect), and it didn't stick. I'm not sure if it's because I kinda-sorta understand short rows, but it stuck this time. So far, my feeling on them is that they lack the structure of a dutch heel flap and gusset, they are less fiddly and easier to make. This probably means that I'll be using the short row heel a lot in the near future.

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