Sorry for the suspicious absence of late. I can assure you I wasn't sneaking off to Jarthen, I just got really really busy for real. The first assignment was due this week, so I've been doing a lot of grading. Grading blows.
Back to knitting! There's still shamefully little to report on, so I thought I'd give you a proper introduction to these:

I'm making a pair Charade socks for my dear friend Brian. I've started a socking queue, since everyone and their mama wants socks this year for Christmas. Being a fan of knitted socks myself, I understand they're appeal, but damn, people! No big chunky hats that take, like 20 minutes to make?! No rest for the weary, eh?
But I digress. As usual. I bought the yarn (approved by the man himself, of course) this summer and never got around to starting his socks. Then, he told us he was moving from Ann Arbor to Chicago in the fall, which was especially sad since he lived right down the street from us and made it feel like it was a real neighborhood, complete with....well, neighbors, and I declared that I would send him off with a freshly knitted pair of socks. Which obviously didn't happen.
It's happening now though! I'm about halfway through with the foot, and trying to sneak in rounds here and there between the comma splices and misused technical jargon of the student papers. The pattern's actually great for this because it's a two-round repeat that's impossible not to memorize. I think it may technically be lace, since it includes YOs and decreases, but it's quite a manly lace, don't you think?

I do. I hope Brian does too.
There's one thing other I should let you know, blog (and readers. Never fear, readers! Once the dust of my rocky relationship with blog has settled, I can spend more time directly addressing you. Be patient, please). As Jon has been zooming right along with his knitting, I have offered to let him use you to share his efforts with the interweb. You're a generous blog, and he's a nice boy, and I think you'll get along well.
PS - To the readers: if you are not on the Socking Queue referenced above, but you'd like to be, leave me a comment or email me or some such thing. And if you are a reader of the knitting variety and would like occasional blogging privileges (but, perhaps, not the pressure of your own knitting blog), drop me a line as well and it can be arranged. Jon is definitely not more special than you.
Oooh, are you offering spots for guest blogs now? 'Cause that'd be fun, and you could totally guest blog for wingedorange. My blog's pretty forgiving. I leave it pretty regularly for...erm...other things. ;) We don't live the principle, unless you count Scott. I'm just lazy.
The socks are really a manly way. I love the colorway. What's the yarn?
And finally, re: the Socking Queue. Don't feel so bad. In addition to the scarf I'm knitting my boyfriend's sister at The Cross-Stitch Piece That IS The Devil Incarnate for his mom, I'm also knitting sweaters, hats, booties, toys, burp cloths, and bibs for my friend's twins. I feel your pain.
I would like to volunteer the services of one fat-man for the guest bloggery.
Also, you are an awesome TA, with some shitty chillins.
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